CL5106GLS智能型瀝青灑布車主要技術參數 | |
底盤型號 | EQ1100G5ADJAC |
發動機型號 | CY4102BZQ(歐Ⅱ型) |
整車外形尺寸 | 8035×2320×2735mm |
瀝青罐容量 | 5000L |
灑布寬度 | 0-6m |
灑布定量 | 0.3-3L/㎡ |
灑布精度 | ±2% |
加熱形式 | 導熱油 |
控製係統 | 電 腦 控 製 |
◆ 瀝青罐采用不鏽鋼外殼,美觀大方; Asphalt tank covers with stainless steel skin; it has beautified apparentness
◆ 計算機全過程自動控製,瀝青灑布量及灑布均勻度控製精確; Controlled by computer, it has high distributing quantity and evenness ◆ 采用觸摸屏控製,操作方便快捷; Operation facility with the device of HMI.
◆ 全自動導熱油適時加熱,保溫性能優良,平均溫降≤3℃/h; Heated by hot-oil-conduct, it has high insulating property and the average temperature drop doesn’t exceed 3℃ ◆ 進口液壓泵、液壓馬達、燃燒器,質量可靠,性能優良; With imported hydraulic pump and hydraulic motor and burner, it has credibility quality and high performance. ◆ 具有專有技術、國內獨一無二的低轉速、大排量瀝青泵 穩定可靠,特別適用於低溫乳化瀝青和SBS改性瀝青的灑布; The asphalt pump, which is the unique asphalt pump in homeland with proprietary technology and low rotate speed and large displacement, especially suits to distributing normal temperature emulsified bitumen and SBS modification emulsified bitumen.
◆ 配備大、小灑布量兩套噴嘴,采用美國進口噴嘴確保優良的霧化效果; With the large nozzles and small nozzles imported from American, it has high spray performance. ◆ 雙層結構灑布管,壓力均勻。 With the double construct distributing bar, it has evenness distributing press.
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友情提醒:為規避購買風險,建議您在購買相關產品前務必確認供應商資質(營業執照等證件)及產品質量。我們原則上建議您選擇經過中國路麵機械網認證的 守信通 會員