—Hydraulic system change direction with electric control. It is convenient for use and maintenance.
—High and low pressure use a key to switchover,may switchover at any time, no leakage, no pollution.
—電氣係統采用日本歐姆龍公司(OMRON)的可編程序控製器和法國施耐德公司的交流接觸器和按鈕開關等電器元件,防護等級可達到IP65, 控製線路簡單,工作可靠。
—Electric system adopts PLC from OMRON company Japan and the other electric element from world famous company. The control circuitry is simple and works credibly.
—Good seal in mixer device, and no leakage. The mixer vane has reasonable structure and fit many kinds of concrete.
—High quality seal from PARKER company, stop the leakage in hydraulic system.
—Cooling system adopts oil-air cooling device with big power. It depress the quantity of heat efficiently and ensure the reliability of hydraulic system.
方圓集團恪守“以人為本,科技興企,產業報國,奉獻社會”的經營理念,依靠科技創新,優化產品結構,拓展經營領域,開辟全球市場。集團產品有 JZC 、 JS 係列混凝土攪拌機、 PLD 係列混凝土配料機、 HBT 係列混凝土泵、 HZS 係列混凝土攪拌站、 TC 係列塔式起重機、S C 係列施工升降機、 ZL 係列工程裝載機、 WBZ 係列穩定土拌和站、 JZL 係列電動履帶式樁機、 FY 係列混凝土攪拌輸送車、臂架式混凝土泵車等三十大係列、一百八十多個品種。集團在全國設有駐外銷售機構 60 個,經銷網點 360 個,產品遍布全國,並遠銷 30 多個國家和地區。產品連年被中國質協評為“用戶滿意產品”;五大係列的產品被評為“山東名牌產品”; HBT 係列混凝土泵獲“國家免檢產品”資格。“方圓”商標被評為“山東省著名商標”。