1 The main technological characteristics
—Domestic origination, reliable performance, it has the advantage of large aggregate concrete conveying compared with the same type equipment.
— Adopt double flameproof three-phase asynchronous motor, it is good reliability and strong power.
—Constant power variable pump can adjust the output automatically. The energy can be fully used and it can realize long-distance and large opening high pressure pumping.
—The machine has compact structure, convenient for dismantling; facilitate transportation and maintenance.
—The weary parts are super anti-weary. The super anti-weary glass plates and cutting rings made of hard alloy greatly prolonged the service life the weary parts. cutting ring with self-compensating wear-resisting ring.
—Hydraulic system is hydraulic controlled directional control, low impulsion.
—It adopts independent water cooling system, cooling effect is good.
—HBMD-90/16-180S High-output operation and high-pressure operation working mode
方圓集團恪守“以人為本,科技興企,產業報國,奉獻社會”的經營理念,依靠科技創新,優化產品結構,拓展經營領域,開辟全球市場。集團產品有 JZC 、 JS 係列混凝土攪拌機、 PLD 係列混凝土配料機、 HBT 係列混凝土泵、 HZS 係列混凝土攪拌站、 TC 係列塔式起重機、S C 係列施工升降機、 ZL 係列工程裝載機、 WBZ 係列穩定土拌和站、 JZL 係列電動履帶式樁機、 FY 係列混凝土攪拌輸送車、臂架式混凝土泵車等三十大係列、一百八十多個品種。集團在全國設有駐外銷售機構 60 個,經銷網點 360 個,產品遍布全國,並遠銷 30 多個國家和地區。產品連年被中國質協評為“用戶滿意產品”;五大係列的產品被評為“山東名牌產品”; HBT 係列混凝土泵獲“國家免檢產品”資格。“方圓”商標被評為“山東省著名商標”。