設備主要性能特點 Main Features
It can be applied for triple-overlapping spray.
The spraying width can be adjusted freely.
3、 每個噴嘴可單獨控製,並能任意組合;
Each spray nozzle can be controlled individually with free combination ability.
4、 噴灑量不受車速影響;
Spraying quantity will not be affected by truck speed.
5、 灑布精度高;
It is designed with high spraying precision.
6、 導熱油加熱確保噴嘴噴灑通暢;
Thermal oil heating will ensure the unobstructed of spraying nozzle.
7、 控製係統模塊化設計質量可靠,易於維修;
Control system adopts modular design, which is easy to maintain and reliability.
8、 兩套攪拌裝置,保證瀝青攪拌均勻,無離析;
Two sets of agitating devices were designed on the tank to ensure stirring work of high uniformity and no separation.
Two sets of heating systems can satisfy the temperature requirement for all asphalt.
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