Excellent performance:Longest five-section U-shaped boom in its category, namely 49 m,Comprehensive lifting performance is ahead of the same tonnage crane by 5% - 15%,Its OMs are comparable with 90 ton truck cranes.
Precise and stable:A custom slow gear function can keep the lowest slewing speed at 0.1°/s and hosting speed at 2.5 m/min. Therefore, the extremely precise lifting operation can be guaranteed.
Heavy load and ease driving:During short-distance transit, 10.5 ton counterweight can be attached on heavy special purpose chassis of which the loading capacity is 50 ton;rong power, Max. driving speed is 90 km/h.
Energy conservation and environmental protection:Intelligent multi-power mode energy saving system ensures that average fuel consumption is 4.5 L/h during lifting. In addition, it can save fuel by 20%.
Intelligent and internet of things:The operator is able to manage a full range of information by mobile apps.
中聯重科創立於1992年,主要從事工程機械、農業機械等高新技術裝備的研發製造,主導產品涵蓋18大類別、106個產品係列、660個品種,是業內首家A+H股上市公司,注冊資本86.78億元,總資產1306億元,位居全球工程機械企業第5位。 公司曾獲得全國五一勞動獎狀、全國文明單位、全國先進基層黨組織、全國抗震救災英雄集體、中華慈善獎、全國首批國家創新型企業、國家技術創新示範企業、國家火炬計劃重點高新技術企業、國家知識產權示範企業、首屆中國質量獎提名獎、湖南省抗擊新冠肺炎疫情先進集體、湖南省先進基層黨組織、湖南省兩新領域標杆黨組織等榮譽稱號。