Korea Lab 2007 is previously known as ASSE/ANALAB - Korea International Science & Laboratory Instruments Exhibition.
Organized by
KOTRA(Korea Trade- Investment Promotion Agency)
ASSE/ANALAB 2006 - Korea International Science & Laboratory Instruments Exhibition
Managed by
ASSE/ANALAB 2006 Promotion committee, KOTRA Exhibition Center, K. FAIRS LTD
Sponsored by
Ministry of Science & Technology;
Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy
Ministry of Environment
Daejeon Metropolitan City
Korea Science and Engineering Foundation Korea Basic Science Institute(KBSI)
Korea Research Institute of Standards & Science(KRISS)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology(KAIST)
Optics, Laboratory & Intrumental Analysis Technology, Biotechnology, Science & Research
- Chemical Process Technology / Controls Technology
- Quality Assurance & testing Systems / Assays, Test kits & Procedures
- Chemistry & Gases / Chromatography / Diagnostics Systems
- Educational & Training Instruments / Instumental Analysis Technology
- Laboratory Apparatuses / Laboratory Automation Technology
- Life Science-oriented Solutions / Microscopy & Spectroscopy
- Optical Image Analysis Technology / Research & Development Instruments
- Testing & Measurement Technology / Analytical & Laboratory Technology
(Instruments) ZONE: research/analytical devices and equipment biology and life sciences laboratory instruments chemistry, biochemistry and macromolecular studies machines, materials and physical properties IT, measurement and nanotechnology; water quality, the atmosphere and environment
(Education) ZONE: laboratory instruments for elementary/ middle/high schools and universities
(Overseas) ZONE: pavilions for international exhibitors
(Public Relations) ZONE: associations, academies, and research institute
Industry sectors:
Optics, Laboratory and Instrumental Analysis Technology, Bio Technology, Science and Research
• Assays, Test kit & Procedures/ Analytical & Laboratory Technology
• Chemical Process Technology/ Controls Technology/ Chemistry & Gases
• Chromatography/ Diagnostics Systems/ Educational, Training Instrument
• Instrumental Analysis Technology/ Laboratory Apparatus
• Laboratory Automation Technology/ Life Science Oriented