鏟鬥容量Bucket Capacity |
3m3 |
額定功率Rated Power |
162Kw/220hp |
額定載荷Rated Load |
5000kg |
最大扭矩Max. Torque |
≥785N.m |
機重Dead Weight |
16000kg |
變矩器型式Torque Converter |
1 stage with 4 elements |
動臂提升時間Time for Lifting the Boom |
≤5.8s |
變矩係數Conversion Coefficient |
4.0±0.20 |
三項和Total time for 3 Motions |
≤11s |
變速箱型式Gearbox |
行星式液壓換檔 |
行走速度Traveling Speed |
變速檔位Shifts of Gearbox |
Forward 2; 前進2檔 |
一檔Gear 1 |
0-11.5km/h |
驅動橋Axle |
二檔Gear 2 |
0-36km/h |
主傳動型式Main Drive |
螺旋傘齒輪一級減速 |
三檔Gear 3 |
0-16km/h |
輪邊減速型式Final reducer |
直齒圓柱齒輪行星傳動 |
最大掘起力Max. Break-out force |
≥150kN |
輪胎Tire |
23.5-25pr |
最大爬坡度Grade Ability |
28° |
腳製動型式Foot Brake |
氣頂油鉗盤式四輪製動4wheels,air-compressor force |
整機長度Overall Length |
7590mm |
手製動型式Hand Brake |
軟軸操縱、鉗盤式 |
整機寬度Overall Width |
2990mm |
轉向型式Steering System |
全液壓負荷傳感 |
整機高度Overall Height |
3260mm |
轉向缸數-內徑×行程 |
2-φ90×340mm |
軸距Tread |
2840mm |
轉向係統工作壓力Systematic Pressure for Steering |
16Mpa |
輪距Wheel base |
2240mm |
轉向角度Swing Angel |
≥35° |
最大卸載高度Max Dumpling Clearance |
≥2910mm |
動臂缸數-內徑×行程 |
2-φ160×930mm |
卸載距離Arm Reach |
≥1350mm |
轉鬥缸數-內徑×行程 |
2-φ125×628mm |
最小離地間隙Min Ground Clearance |
460mm |
分配閥Oil Distributing Valve |
DF32D2 |
發動機型號Engine |
濰柴Steryr DHD10G0156 |
工作油泵Working Pump |
CBGj3125 |
額定轉速Rated Speed |
2200r/min |
係統工作壓力System Working-Oil Pressure |
16Mpa |