型號 Type |
IH·AMP120 |
最大生產率 Max Rated Output(T/H) |
120 |
拌缸容量 Volume Mixing Container(Kg/Batch) |
≤2000 |
總裝機容量(不含成品倉) Total Feed Load (Kw)(Unowned End-Product Bin) |
390 |
設備高度(m) Plant’s height |
13.5 |
燃油消耗率 Oil Consumption(Kg/t) |
≤6.5 |
燃油種類 Fuel variety |
柴油、重油、天然氣Diesel fuel ,Heavy Oil, gas |
成品料溫度 Product Temperature(℃) |
130-160 |
骨料累計計量精度 Accumulated Calculation Accuracy |
±0.33% |
瀝青材料計量精度 Calculation Accuracy For Asphalt |
±0.18% |
粉料計量精度 Calculation Accuracy For Powder Material |
±0.22% |
油石比偏差 Deviation Of Stone And Fuel Ratio |
±0.3% |
出料溫度穩定精度(℃) Accuracy Of Discharging Temperature Stability |
±5 |
室內環境噪聲 [dB (A)] Environment Noise Indoor |
≤80 |
室外環境噪聲 [dB (A)] Environment Noise Outdoor |
≤40 |
室內操作人員耳邊噪聲(有操作室)([dB (A)] Noise Heard By Operators Indoor(with Control Room) |
≤70 |
除塵方式 Type Of Dust Cleaning |
分室、高壓脈衝袋式High Pressure Pulse Pocket Type |
室內煙塵排放濃度(袋式除塵)[mg/Nm³] Concentration Of Discharging Dust indoor (bag filter deduster) |
≤80 |
室外煙塵排放濃度[mg/Nm³] Concentration of Discharging Dust Outdoor |
≤30 |