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關於普茨邁斯特BSA 1407 D的性能特點,有人了解嗎?
你好,普茨邁斯特BSA 1407 D拖泵的性能特點是: 適用於中型規模建築工地。可靠的VHS控製,易於操作,維護簡單。輸送壓力可達106 bar,排量可達71m³/h。 • 高品質耐磨配件,長使用壽命。 •  噪音排放符合美國和歐洲標準。 • 通過CE認證。 • 料鬥與支架之間空間大,方便維護。 • 方便更換活塞。
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你好,山推建友混凝土輸送拖泵的性能特點是: 產品型號:HBT60C、HBT80C、HBTR80C 產品特點:液壓係統采用雙泵雙回路開式油路設計,係統簡單,維修方便;電控係統設有低電壓啟動等多重保護技術,大大提高泵的可靠性。 產品用途:廣泛應用於水利水電、能源交通、城市建設混凝土中遠距離泵送施工中,具有突出的經濟性。  
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你好,方圓HBTS80-16-195拖泵的性能特點是: HBTS80-16-195型混凝土泵是方圓集團為適應市場需要而開發的一種以柴油發動機為動力的高壓大排量混凝土泵。 該產品造型美觀、選件優良、性能先進,尤其是在設計時考慮了產品的較高的使用可靠性。超高壓的壓力設計和零部件的全球化采購使該產品在性能上可與國外先進產品相媲美。 特別 適用於超高層建築的大量混凝土輸送作業。 是自然條件比較惡劣的地區以及電力缺乏的邊遠地區理想的混凝土輸送設備。
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你好,方圓HBTS80-16-110拖泵的性能特點是: HBTS80-16-110型混凝土泵是方圓集團新一代電控換向高壓“S”管閥型混凝土泵。該產品造型美觀、選件優良、性能先進,尤其是在設計時考慮了產品的較高的使用可靠性。超高壓的壓力設計和零部件的全球化采購使該產品在性能上可與國外先進產品相媲美。是理想的混凝土輸送設備. 特別適用於超高層建築的大量混凝土輸送作業。
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你好,方圓FY5120THB120拖泵的性能特點是: 在國家大力推廣在城市建設中使用商品混凝土政策的引導下,城市泵由於施工靈活,移動方便,具有施工效率高、作業安全、降低成本、保證質量和擴大施工範圍等特點,越來越受到施工部門的青睞。城市泵介於拖式混凝土泵和臂架式混凝土泵車之間,不但具有拖式混凝土泵輸出壓力高的特點,同時也具有泵車移動迅速、機動靈活、停靠方便等特點,而且一次性投入低,回收成本較快。FY5120THB120型城市泵是一種車載式並有獨立柴油機驅動的高壓S管閥混凝土泵,該項目實行全球化采購,配備高質量元件,充分保證整機性能可靠,各項性能指標將達到國內同類產品領先水平。可廣泛適用於水利、電力、鐵路、公路、隧道、橋涵、港口、礦山、高層建築、國防工程等施工領域。
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你好,方圓HBTS40-10-75混凝土拖泵的性能特點是: —液壓係統電控換向。采用恒功率變量柱塞泵,可靠性高,壽命長。 —Hydraulic system change direction with electric control. It is convenient for use and maintenance. —高低壓一鍵轉換,可隨時切換,無泄漏,無汙染 —High and low pressure use a key to switchover,may switchover at any time, no leakage, no pollution. —電氣係統采用日本歐姆龍公司(OMRON)的可編程序控製器和法國施耐德公司的交流接觸器和按鈕開關等電器元件,防護等級可達到IP65, 控製線路簡單,工作可靠。 —Electric system adopts PLC from OMRON company Japan and the other electric element from world famous company. The control circuitry is simple and works credibly. —攪拌裝置密封可靠,不易漏漿;攪拌葉片結構合理,能適應多種混凝土配比。 —Good seal in mixer device, and no leakage. The mixer vane has reasonable structure and fit many kinds of concrete. —主要密封件采用派克公司(PARKER)優質密封件,杜絕了液壓係統的內外泄露。 —High quality seal from PARKER company, stop the leakage in hydraulic system. —冷卻係統采用油-風冷卻器,冷卻功率大,能夠有效降低液壓係統工作產生的熱量。保證了液壓係統的工作可靠性。 —Cooling system adopts oil-air cooling device with big power. It depress the quantity of heat efficiently and ensure the reliability of hydraulic system.
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你好,方圓HBTS60-13-90拖泵的性能特點是: HBTS60-13-90型混凝土泵是方圓集團新一代電控換向高壓“S”管閥型混凝土泵。該產品造型美觀、選件優良、性能先進,尤其是在設計時考慮了產品的較高的使用可靠性。超高壓的壓力設計和零部件的全球化采購使該產品在性能上可與國外先進產品相媲美。是理想的混凝土輸送設備. 特別適用於超高層建築的大量混凝土輸送作業。     主要技術特點: —分配閥采用先進的“ S”管閥,密封性好,結構簡單可靠。箱體采用整體鑄造結構,剛性好,強度高;眼鏡板和耐磨環采用硬質合金,耐磨性好,壽命長,更換方便,耐磨環采用可自動補償間隙機構。 —液壓係統電控換向,換向衝擊小,可靠性高。    <進口閥件和泵>采用威格士公司( VICKERS)原裝進口閥組控製混凝土泵工作,主油泵采用博世力士樂公司(REXROTH)A11VO260恒功率變量柱塞泵,噪音低,壽命長。    <國產閥件和泵>采用國內著名的北京華德產的閥組控製混凝土泵工作,主油泵采用 貴州力源產的A8V107恒功率變量柱塞泵,噪音低,壽命長。 —具有低壓大排量和高壓小排量兩種工作方式。 —采用法國施耐德公司產的光電式接近開關獲取換向信號,換向信號靈敏,換向精度高,壽命長。 —電氣係統采用日本歐姆龍公司( OMRON)的可編程序控製器和法國施耐德公司的交流接觸器和按鈕開關等電器元件。 控製線路簡單,工作可靠。 —攪拌裝置密封可靠,不易漏漿;攪拌葉片用耐磨材料鑄造而成, 耐磨性好,使用壽命長,並且更換方便, 能適應多種混凝土配比。 —主要密封件采用派克公司( PARKER)優質密封件,杜絕了液壓係統的內外泄露。 —冷卻係統采用油-風冷卻器,冷卻功率大,能夠有效降低液壓係統工作產生的熱量。保證了液壓係統的工作可靠性。
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你好,方圓HBTS60-16-110拖泵的性能特點是:  HBTS60-16-110型混凝土泵是方圓集團新一代電控換向高壓“S”管閥型混凝土泵。該產品造型美觀、選件優良、性能先進,尤其是在設計時考慮了產品的較高的使用可靠性。超高壓的壓力設計和零部件的全球化采購使該產品在性能上可與國外先進產品相媲美。是理想的混凝土輸送設備. 特別適用於超高層建築的大量混凝土輸送作業。
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你好,方圓HBTS60-13-90混凝土拖泵的性能特點是: —液壓係統電控換向。采用恒功率變量柱塞泵,可靠性高,壽命長。 —Hydraulic system change direction with electric control. It is convenient for use and maintenance. —高低壓一鍵轉換,可隨時切換,無泄漏,無汙染 —High and low pressure use a key to switchover,may switchover at any time, no leakage, no pollution. —電氣係統采用日本歐姆龍公司(OMRON)的可編程序控製器和法國施耐德公司的交流接觸器和按鈕開關等電器元件,防護等級可達到IP65, 控製線路簡單,工作可靠。 —Electric system adopts PLC from OMRON company Japan and the other electric element from world famous company. The control circuitry is simple and works credibly. —攪拌裝置密封可靠,不易漏漿;攪拌葉片結構合理,能適應多種混凝土配比。 —Good seal in mixer device, and no leakage. The mixer vane has reasonable structure and fit many kinds of concrete. —主要密封件采用派克公司(PARKER)優質密封件,杜絕了液壓係統的內外泄露。 —High quality seal from PARKER company, stop the leakage in hydraulic system. —冷卻係統采用油-風冷卻器,冷卻功率大,能夠有效降低液壓係統工作產生的熱量。保證了液壓係統的工作可靠性。 —Cooling system adopts oil-air cooling device with big power. It depress the quantity of heat efficiently and ensure the reliability of hydraulic system.
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你好,方圓HBTS80-13-110拖泵的性能特點是: HBTS80-13-110型混凝土泵是方圓集團新一代電控換向高壓“S”管閥型混凝土泵。該產品造型美觀、選件優良、性能先進,尤其是在設計時考慮了產品的較高的使用可靠性。超高壓的壓力設計和零部件的全球化采購使該產品在性能上可於國外先進產品相媲美。 是理想的混凝土輸送設備 。 特別適用於超高層建築的大量混凝土輸送作業。
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你好,方圓HBTD40-04-56拖泵的性能特點是: HBTD40-04-56型混凝土泵結構緊湊、體積小、重量輕、料鬥高度低;控製方式用電氣-液壓控製,操作簡便、運轉平穩、振動和噪音都較小;具有完善的電-液過載保護及儀表顯示係統,又有反泵操作功能,運行安全可靠,容易排除堵塞故障;輸送管的清洗方式采用壓縮空氣吹洗,也可以用高壓水洗;混凝土分配閥采用垂直軸蝶形分配閥,結構簡單,維修方便。     HBTD40-04-56 型混凝土泵廣泛適用於水利、電力、鐵路、公路、隧道、橋涵、港口、礦山、高層建築、國防工程等各項工程;經濟實用 , 是理想的混凝土輸送設備 .
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你好,方圓HBTD40-07-75拖泵的性能特點是: HBTD40-07-75型混凝土泵是在HBTD係列混凝土泵的基礎上,根據市場需求研製開發的改型產品,該泵優化了整體結構,布局緊湊合理,重要的是提高了出口壓力,外觀新穎大方,做到精益求精。控製方式用電氣-液壓控製,操作簡便、運轉平穩、振動和噪音都較小;具有完善的電-液過載保護及儀表顯示係統,又有反泵操作功能,運行安全可靠,容易排除堵塞故障;輸送管的清洗方式采用壓縮空氣吹洗,也可以用高壓水洗;混凝土分配閥采用垂直軸蝶形分配閥,結構簡單,維修方便。
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你好,方圓HBTS80-16-181混凝土拖泵的性能特點是: —分配閥采用先進的S管閥,密封性好,結構簡單可靠。箱體整體鑄造,剛性好,強度高;眼睛板和耐磨環采用硬質合金,耐磨性好,壽命長,更換方便,耐磨環采用可自動補償間隙機構。 —Distribution valve adopts advanced S valve with good seal. Distribution valve case is founded wholly, it is good rigidity and high intension. —液壓係統全液控換向,換向衝擊小。主油泵采用博世力士樂公司(REXROTH)A11VO260恒功率變量柱塞泵,可靠性高,壽命長。 —Hydraulic system controls the change of direction by hydraulic with low impact. Main oil pump adopts constant power variable pump from REXROTH Company, it utilize the original power full, advance the work efficiency. —動力係統采用大柴道依茨柴油機,該機具有高壓單體泵噴油係統,馬力大,耗油和排放值底,經濟、環保;采用渦輪增壓器,充分保證發動機的功率輸出 —Drive system adopts  diesel engine from Dalian DEUTZ Company . —高低壓一鍵轉換,可隨時切換,無泄漏,無汙染 —High and low pressure use a key to switchover,may switchover at any time, no leakage, no pollution. —電氣係統采用日本歐姆龍公司(OMRON)的可編程序控製器和法國施耐德公司的接觸器和按鈕開關等電器元件,防護等級可達到IP65,控製線路簡單,工作可靠。 —Electric system adopts PLC from OMRON Company Japan and the other electric element from world famous company. —攪拌裝置密封可靠,不易漏漿;攪拌葉片結構合理,能適應多種混凝土配比。 —Good seal in mixer device, and no leakage. The mixer vane has reasonable structure and fit many kinds of concrete.
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你好,方圓HBTS80-16-132混凝土拖泵的性能特點是: —液壓係統電控換向。采用恒功率變量柱塞泵,可靠性高,壽命長。 —Hydraulic system change direction with electric control. It is convenient for use and maintenance. —高低壓一鍵轉換,可隨時切換,無泄漏,無汙染 —High and low pressure use a key to switchover,may switchover at any time, no leakage, no pollution. —電氣係統采用日本歐姆龍公司(OMRON)的可編程序控製器和法國施耐德公司的交流接觸器和按鈕開關等電器元件,防護等級可達到IP65, 控製線路簡單,工作可靠。 —Electric system adopts PLC from OMRON company Japan and the other electric element from world famous company. The control circuitry is simple and works credibly. —攪拌裝置密封可靠,不易漏漿;攪拌葉片結構合理,能適應多種混凝土配比。 —Good seal in mixer device, and no leakage. The mixer vane has reasonable structure and fit many kinds of concrete. —主要密封件采用派克公司(PARKER)優質密封件,杜絕了液壓係統的內外泄露。 —High quality seal from PARKER company, stop the leakage in hydraulic system. —冷卻係統采用油-風冷卻器,冷卻功率大,能夠有效降低液壓係統工作產生的熱量。保證了液壓係統的工作可靠性。 —Cooling system adopts oil-air cooling device with big power. It depress the quantity of heat efficiently and ensure the reliability of hydraulic system.
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你好,方圓SJBS15-05-28混凝土拖泵的性能特點是:  一.攪拌係統 —采用自落式雙錐反轉出料攪拌機構,生產效率高、攪拌質量好; —攪拌筒采用齒圈傳動,傳遞效益高,故障率低,保養簡單。 二、液壓係統 —分配閥采用先進的S管閥,密封性好,結構簡單可靠。眼睛板和耐磨環采用硬質合金,耐磨性好,壽命長,更換方便,耐磨環采用可自動補償間隙機構; —控製方式用電-液控製,操作簡便、運轉平穩、噪音低;具有完善的電-液過載保護及儀表顯示係統;具有反泵操作機能;運行安全可靠,容易排除堵塞故障;維修方便; —接觸器和按鈕開關等電器組件,防護等級可達到IP65, 控製線路簡單,工作可靠; —對多種砂漿的適宜性強,如噴射砂漿、牆麵砂漿、地麵砂漿、小骨料混凝土等。 1、Agitation system —It uses self-falls bi-pyramid and reverse discharge mechanism, the production efficiency is high, the agitation quality is good; —Stirs drum uses the gear transmission, the transmission efficiency is high, the failure rate is low, and maintains is simply. 2、Hydraulic system —The operating valve uses the advanced S valve, the leak-proof quality is good, structure is simple and reliable. The eyeglasses board and the wear-resisting link use the hard alloy, the resistance to wear are good, the life is long, the replacement is convenient, the wear-resisting link uses may the automatic compensation gap organization; —The control mode uses electricity - hydraulic control, the operation is simple, the revolution is steady, the noise is low; It has the consummation electricity - fluid over-load protection and the measuring appliance display system; it has the reverse-pump operation function; It is safely reliable, easy to fix the jamming breakdown; Services conveniently; —Contact device and push-button switch electric appliance modules and so on, the protection rank may achieve IP65, the control wiring is simple, operation reliable; —It is suitability to many kinds of mortar, like spraying mortar, wall surface mortar, ground mortar, small aggregate concretes and so on.
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你好,方圓SBS20-08-30混凝土拖泵的性能特點是: ——采用先進的S管形式的分配閥,滿足細骨料混凝土的泵送。 ——It is adopts S type distribution valve. It satisfies to pump fine aggregate concrete. ——閥箱體采用整體焊接結構,鋼性好;眼睛板和耐磨環采用鑲嵌硬質合金,耐磨性好,大幅延長其使用壽命。 ——The weary parts are super anti-weary. The super anti-weary glass plates and cutting rings made of hard alloy greatly prolonged thee service life the weary parts, ——液壓係統電液控換向,換向衝擊小,可靠性更高。 ——Hydraulic system adopts electro-hydraulic control system. It is easy operate with low noise and small vibration. Big moment but small compaction,feature high reliability. ——電氣係統采用著名廠家生產的電器元件。性能穩定可靠,壽命長。 ——The electrical components are original imported which feature high reliability. The motor started through special software, having the current low and small compaction the features. ——可靠密封裝置設計,主要密封件采用著名廠家生產的優質密封件,密封性能好 ——The reliable sealing device design, the main seal uses the international famous factory production the high quality seal, the sealing property is good.
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你好,方圓SBS15-05-22混凝土拖泵的性能特點是: ——采用先進的S管形式的分配閥,滿足細骨料混凝土的泵送。 ——It is adopts S type distribution valve. It satisfies to pump fine aggregate concrete. ——閥箱體采用整體焊接結構,鋼性好;眼睛板和耐磨環采用鑲嵌硬質合金,耐磨性好,大幅延長其使用壽命。 ——The weary parts are super anti-weary. The super anti-weary glass plates and cutting rings made of hard alloy greatly prolonged thee service life the weary parts, ——液壓係統電液控換向,換向衝擊小,可靠性更高。 ——Hydraulic system adopts electro-hydraulic control system. It is easy operate with low noise and small vibration. Big moment but small compaction,feature high reliability. ——電氣係統采用著名廠家生產的電器元件。性能穩定可靠,壽命長。 ——The electrical components are original imported which feature high reliability. The motor started through special software, having the current low and small compaction the features. ——可靠密封裝置設計,主要密封件采用著名廠家生產的優質密封件,密封性能好 ——The reliable sealing device design, the main seal uses the international famous factory production the high quality seal, the sealing property is good.
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你好,方圓HBMD-90/16-180S混凝土拖泵的性能特點是: —國內首創,性能可靠,與國外設備相比,具有輸送大骨料混凝土的優勢。 —采用雙隔爆型三相異步電動機驅動,可靠性好、動力強勁。 —主油泵采用恒功率變量柱塞泵,可充分利用原動機功率。 —整機結構緊湊,拆卸方便,便於運輸,維護和保養。 —分配閥采用S管閥,混凝土流動性好,輸送阻力小,閥箱體采用焊接結構,剛性好,強度高。 —眼鏡板和耐磨環采用硬質合金,耐磨性好,且更換方便,耐磨環具有磨損後自動補償間隙功能。 —液壓係統液控換向,換向衝擊小,邏輯性好。 —采用獨立的水冷卻器冷卻係統,冷卻功率大,降溫效果好。 —HBMD-90/16-180S具有低壓大排量和高壓小排量兩種工作方式。 1 The main technological characteristics     —Domestic origination, reliable performance, it has the advantage of large aggregate concrete conveying compared with the same type equipment. — Adopt double flameproof three-phase asynchronous motor, it is good reliability and strong power. —Constant power variable pump can adjust the output automatically. The energy can be fully used and it can realize long-distance and large opening high pressure pumping. —The machine has compact structure, convenient for dismantling; facilitate transportation and maintenance. —The weary parts are super anti-weary. The super anti-weary glass plates and cutting rings made of hard alloy greatly prolonged the service life the weary parts. cutting ring with self-compensating wear-resisting ring. —Hydraulic system is hydraulic controlled directional control, low impulsion. —It adopts independent water cooling system, cooling effect is good. —HBMD-90/16-180S High-output operation and high-pressure operation working mode
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你好,方圓HBMD-40/10-110S混凝土拖泵的性能特點是: —國內首創,性能可靠,與國外設備相比,具有輸送大骨料混凝土的優勢。 —采用雙隔爆型三相異步電動機驅動,可靠性好、動力強勁。 —主油泵采用恒功率變量柱塞泵,可充分利用原動機功率。 —整機結構緊湊,拆卸方便,便於運輸,維護和保養。 —分配閥采用S管閥,混凝土流動性好,輸送阻力小,閥箱體采用焊接結構,剛性好,強度高。 —眼鏡板和耐磨環采用硬質合金,耐磨性好,且更換方便,耐磨環具有磨損後自動補償間隙功能。 —液壓係統液控換向,換向衝擊小,邏輯性好。 —采用獨立的水冷卻器冷卻係統,冷卻功率大,降溫效果好。 —HBMD-90/16-180S具有低壓大排量和高壓小排量兩種工作方式。 1 The main technological characteristics     —Domestic origination, reliable performance, it has the advantage of large aggregate concrete conveying compared with the same type equipment. — Adopt double flameproof three-phase asynchronous motor, it is good reliability and strong power. —Constant power variable pump can adjust the output automatically. The energy can be fully used and it can realize long-distance and large opening high pressure pumping. —The machine has compact structure, convenient for dismantling; facilitate transportation and maintenance. —The weary parts are super anti-weary. The super anti-weary glass plates and cutting rings made of hard alloy greatly prolonged the service life the weary parts. cutting ring with self-compensating wear-resisting ring. —Hydraulic system is hydraulic controlled directional control, low impulsion. —It adopts independent water cooling system, cooling effect is good. —HBMD-90/16-180S High-output operation and high-pressure operation working mode
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