柳工設備亮相南非西開普NAMPO Cape農業貿易展

2022-09-26 17:49:31 中國路麵機械網
  • NAMPO Cape 2022
  • 	9月14-17日,柳工攜手南非經銷商BurGerS參展NAMPO Cape 2022。該展會是當地首屈一指的農業及貿易展,在西開普Bredasdorp Park舉行,4天吸引超過500家參展商參展,32,640名觀眾慕名前往參觀。
  • 	From September 14 to 17, LiuGong participated in NAMPO Cape 2022 along with BurGerS, its dealer in South Africa. The show is the region's premier agricultural and trade show, which was held at Bredasdorp Park in the Western Cape. It attracted over 500 exhibitors and 32,640 visitors in four days.
  • https://news-static.lmjx.net/upload/upfs/202209/26/1080w870hf_1664185787735123.jpg!1024x1024.jpg
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  • 	柳工展位
  • 	展會期間,柳工精美的展位設計吸引了眾多潛在客戶的關注。五台醒目的“柳工黃”設備:906E、922E挖掘機,856H、835H裝載機及777A挖掘裝載機圍繞特製六角天幕陳列,合理的多動線設計給予了觀眾良好的觀展體驗。
  • 	During the exhibition, LiuGong’s exquisite booth design attracted the attention of many potential customers. 906E & 922E excavators, 856H & 835H wheel loaders and 777A backhoe loader were displayed around the special hexagonal tarp. The reasonable multi-moving line design offered the audience a good viewing experience.
  • https://news-static.lmjx.net/upload/upfs/202209/26/1080w1729hf_1664185788028492.jpg!1024x1024.jpg
  • https://news-static.lmjx.net/upload/upfs/202209/26/1080w1729hf_1664185788271912.jpg!1024x1024.jpg