To comprehensively enhance overseas service capabilities and strengthen support for the Indonesian market, the International Service Team of the Overseas Marketing Department under the Heavy Truck Division conducted professional technical training on electric heavy trucks for six local "seed" service engineers from December 16 to 20.
The training aimed to strengthen the service awareness and skills of local service engineers, improve regional market service quality, and provide customers with an exceptional service experience.
The training used a teaching method combining theory and practice. The R&D team conducted lectures in person, while the service team provided full guidance, focusing on collecting CAN message and troubleshooting to help trainees quickly master the key technologies of electric heavy trucks. A points-based system, which included daily quizzes, practical tests, and theoretical exams, enhanced the scientific rigor and effectiveness of the evaluation system. To address language differences, the teaching team used a variety of methods, including illustrated diagrams, interactive Q&A sessions, and body language, to maximize the effectiveness of the training.
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1月4日,三一重卡2025年海外策略座談會在三一智聯重卡產業園順利召開。本次會議以聚勢賦能 全球共生為主題。