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三聯機械 2024-06-05 14:57:56

Mayor Wang Lianzan of Nan'an City, accompanied by the city leadership team, visited Sanlian Machinery and gave full recognition to the "Specialized, Refined, Distinctive, and Innovative" honor.



On June 3, 2024, Mayor Wang Lianzan of Nan'an City, accompanied by city leaders Yi Huiquan and Huang Shengui, as well as key officials from the municipal government office, the Science and Technology Bureau, and the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, visited Sanlian Machinery. They expressed full recognition of Sanlian Machinery's "Specialized, Refined, Distinctive, and Innovative" honor. During this visit, the leaders gained a comprehensive understanding of Sanlian Machinery's innovation capabilities, production and operational status, and assessment of industry development trends. They also provided valuable opinions and suggestions for the company's future development.



Specialized, Refined, Distinctive, and Innovative


The "Specialized, Refined, Distinctive, and Innovative" (SRDI) initiative is a major project implemented by the state to guide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) towards a path of specialization, refinement, distinctiveness, and innovation. This initiative aims to enhance their independent innovation capabilities and core competitiveness, continuously improving the quality and level of SME development. The leading products of SRDI SMEs hold a significant market share in their respective niche markets domestically, playing crucial roles in "filling gaps" and "addressing weaknesses."



Leader in Technological Innovation


As a "Specialized, Refined, Distinctive, and Innovative" (SRDI) enterprise and a "National High-Tech Enterprise," Sanlian Machinery has continuously improved product quality and competitiveness through sustained technological innovation and R&D investment. The company boasts numerous scientific achievements and patented technologies, establishing itself as a leading enterprise in the manufacturing of wall material technology equipment in China. For many years, Sanlian Machinery has been committed to technological innovation and product upgrading, continually enhancing its core competitiveness and earning a strong reputation within the industry.



Sanlian Machinery Upholds 'Specialization, Refinement, Distinctiveness, and Innovation,' Boosting Industry Development"


Mayor Wang Lianzan of Nan'an City, accompanied by city leaders, visited Sanlian Machinery, demonstrating the government's high regard for outstanding private enterprises with strong technical capabilities, product quality, and innovation. This visit not only highly recognized Sanlian Machinery's level of specialization, growth prospects, and brand influence, but also reflected the government's support and attention to the development of innovative enterprises.


Sanlian Machinery will continue to stimulate its internal drive for technological innovation and strengthen its equipment research and development, leveraging its "Specialized, Refined, Distinctive, and Innovative" role. Relying on its professional advantages, industry capabilities, and innovative spirit, Sanlian Machinery is committed to specialization, refinement, distinctiveness, and innovation to enhance its core competitiveness. The company is dedicated to firmly pursuing the path of SRDI development, contributing significantly to the progress and development of the industry.

標簽: 三聯機械
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