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三聯機械 2023-11-23 10:06:21



Zhejiang Province Building Materials Industry Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction New Technology Promotion Conference


On November 15-16, 2023, with the main goal of implementing the green manufacturing policy in the industrial field, accelerating the promotion and application of advanced energy-saving and carbon reduction processes, technologies, and equipment, and promoting the green and low-carbon development of the building materials industry in Zhejiang Province, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology hosted the Zhejiang Provincial Technology Innovation Service Center, the Provincial New Wall Materials Industry Association, and the Tonglu County Bureau of Economy and Information Technology, Held in Tonglu.


Quanzhou Sanlian Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. attended this meeting as a co-organizer.


Practice energy conservation and carbon reduction


Wang Shengli, General Manager of Sanlian Machinery in South China, delivered a speech with the theme of "practicing energy conservation and carbon reduction, serving green development". This speech starts with the role of new solid waste materials in the circular economy, and introduces the current situation and development of various solid waste such as household waste, construction waste, tailings, and sand washing mud to the attending representatives. The advantages of the production line of the fully automatic servo vibration and pressure integrated machine for solid waste disposal were demonstrated through actual customer cases.



The Sanlian Machinery of the fully automatic servo vibration and pressure integrated machine of the Triple Machinery is specially developed for various solid waste materials. It quickly spread to the market as soon as it was launched in 2020. This series of products is the best-selling among SLST2000-500T, using an efficient servo vibration and servo hydraulic system. The maximum pressure of the main cylinder can reach 500T, making the product more reliable during the molding process. The strength of the product after molding is higher, and it can meet the molding requirements of special brick shapes. The main structure adopts a casting form as a whole, which is stable and reliable; The forming method is both vibration and compression, ensuring high density and strength of the product; The fastest molding cycle is 12 seconds, and molding parameters can be set according to different brick types. The entire machine runs intelligently, efficiently, energy-saving, noise reducing, and the entire production line is closed-loop production with smooth movements. It is the best choice for solid waste brick making.


Service Green Development


On the afternoon of the 15th, the attending representatives visited Tonglu Qiangji New Building Materials Co., Ltd., a production site for old customers of Sanlian Machinery.


Tonglu Qiangji Building Materials has introduced a dual machine production line of SLST1000/SLST1500 sanlian machinery, paired with a high-level brick collection line and a ferry maintenance kiln system. The enterprise has achieved an annual water saving of over 300000 tons through intelligent production, energy-saving, recycling and water conservation, space development and land conservation, transforming waste into treasure, reducing carbon emissions, reducing noise through harmony, and improving efficiency from the source. The entire production process has achieved zero sewage discharge, and the land use rate has doubled; Produce various types of concrete bricks and process bricks, and process various finished products including coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, and powder. Each year, a total of over 600000 tons of recycled raw materials can be consumed. Solid waste such as stone waste, decoration waste, and construction waste are recycled and utilized, creating good ecological and economic benefits.


標簽: 三聯機械
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